
When conducting training sessions at an aviation university, it is advisable to demonstrate samples of aeronautical equipment, individual elements of systems and accessories, or use specialized stands and posters. However, when studying modern types of training aircraft, the cockpits of which contain multifunction displays, complications arise when absorbing training resources. When studying multi-function display cockpits, it is necessary to use interactive training devices in which displays must operate under power and possess the required capabilities. Training on hardware is impracticable in some cases, and unadvisable in others. The use of the integrated simulator for training in various disciplines is limited as the simulator is primarily designed to impart primary aircraft control skills rather than for classroom training. The article deals with the issue of upgrading pilot-trainees training skills during the familiarization with the cockpit equipment using an interactive DA-42T aircraft cockpit mockup with all the controls and indications (except for the control stick and pedals), including two primary multi-function displays and one backup, during the process-oriented training of the university. The operation of multi-function indicators is implemented in the form of special devices with a display and a push-button frame connected to a specially developed program on a PC that simulates the aircraft data system operation. For this purpose, to be based on information from the Aircraft Flight Manual, the information frames, shown on multi-function displays in the DA-42T aircraft, are reproduced. The content of the developed frames duplicates completely the DA-42T aircraft indication, contributing to improving academic study and acquiring practical skills to work on the integrated simulator as well as in a real aircraft. The physical cockpit mockup controls also correspond, in terms of the appearance and location, to the controls in the real DA-42T aircraft cockpit. The procedure to develop simulators of multi-function displays and the DA-42T aircraft cockpit mockup is described. The capabilities to use simulators of multi-function displays and the DA-42T cockpit mockup in the process-oriented training to upgrade skills are described. The conducted research results are described; the advantages of using the interactive cockpit mockup in the process-oriented training are presented.

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