
Serious Games (SGs) have been widely adopted in cultural settings and museums, especially the last five years. It is expected that SG can link directly the museum content with target user groups and can fulfill their educational needs. This paper aims to present a systematic mapping study on modern museum gaming technologies and applications. More specifically, focus is given on the use of Serious Games (SGs) by the visitors during exhibition navigation and exploration of museum's cultural and educational content. Major analysis criteria and review findings include game goals, purpose of use, scope, user acceptance and educational effectiveness. A pool of 48 quality literature publications were set under examination. It was found that most solutions were game-based than play-based and that both genres had educational benefits on offer. Also, the frequency of relevant publications per year was increasing from year 2009 up to 2015. Regarding scope, studied applications were split almost equally among education, culture and arts, while the overwhelming majority were targeted to the general public and not teachers, students or parents specifically. Those findings are of particular importance for museum curators, digital cultural content creators, pedagogical engineers and museum interface designers.

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