
The well-known working bodies for layer-by-layer soil-free tillage are characterized by high metal content, which leads to an increase in the weight of the structure and an increase in energy costs. The aim of the study is to reduce energy costs for the implementation of the technological process of layer-by-layer soil-free tillage. Due to the use of new non-metallic materials based on plastics in the design, it is possible to significantly reduce the metal capacity of working bodies and energy consumption for the process of layer-by-layer soil-free tillage. The article proves the expediency of using plastic in the structures of working bodies for soil cultivation. The choice of plastic should be based on analysis of its properties and characteristics. Tolerant to the change in the properties of the medium are high-molecular compounds of plastic with the flexibility of the polymer chain, which limits its steric hindrance to rotation and the interaction of groups of atoms. Thermoplasts obtained on the basis of branched polymers can be re-processed. These include polytetrafluoroethylene and polyethylene as the most appropriate conditions for agricultural production. The design of the working body for layer-by-layer soil-free tillage, containing a rack with a chisel, removable plowshares, crushing machine, thrust plate and ripper for small processing has been developed. In the local wear zones and areas of increased friction of the working body ultra-high molecular low-density polyethylene was mounted. The technique for optimizing the parameters of the working element for layer-by-layer soil-free tillage with the use of ultrahigh-molecular low-density polyethylene is based on the planning of the experiment on the three-factor Box plan. The smallest traction resistance and the minimum energy consumption of the working element for layer-by-layer soil-free tillage with the use of ultrahigh-molecular low-density polyethylene at a unit speed of 2.8 to 3.0 m/s are established; the angle of entry of the bit to soil from 31,5 to 33,5°; the depth of tillage is 30-35 cm.

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