
The article examines examples of using media technologies in museums of archeology and education. The authors emphasize that the use of media technologies in museums of archeology and education can significantly increase the accessibility of knowledge on ancient history and archeology and attract a new audience. However, it is necessary to take into account that such an approach may be ineffective without proper preparation and organization. An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages was carried out. Factors influencing the increase in interest in ancient history and archeology in Central Kazakhstan, including the quality of training and education, have been identified. The results described in the article are based on a survey of more than 600 university students on their level of awareness of the historical and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. The summary assessment, by analyzing the opinions of respondents published on the Internet in museum podcasts and storytelling, allows us to conclude about the high sociocultural, motivational, and educational potential of this content in the cultural and educational work of the archeology museum and in educational activities. Thanks to multimedia technologies, the «museum-student» dialogue has intensified on a long-term basis, which has become an additional incentive for excursions to the Museum of Archaeology.
 Materials and methods of research: The authors of the article used data from a sociological survey they conducted of 194 university students who studied in Kazakh and 439 students who studied in Russian. The anonymous interview included ten questions revealing the respondents’ attitude toward the historical and cultural heritage of our country, the degree of their awareness of the discoveries of archaeologists in Central Kazakhstan, and their participation in museum activities. Statistical methods made it possible to analyze the data from these interviews and use them when introducing media technologies in the museum. To select material when compiling scripts for museum podcasts, an integrated and systematic approach, the analysis-synthesis method, and the principles of logic were used. A detailed historiographical analysis of more than one hundred and fifty scientific sources contributed to the formation of quality content. The comparative historical method made it possible to specify information on the selected topic about the cultural heritage sites of Central Kazakhstan. Thanks to the use of QR codes as a digitalization tool, museum podcasts have been integrated into educational and methodological manuals, maps, postcards, and other souvenirs, which indicates the importance of a combination of technical and humanitarian knowledge in museum work. The collaboration of museum staff with teachers from the Faculty of Foreign Languages has expanded the use of interdisciplinary methods in cultural and educational activities.

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