
The article is devoted to the study of the prospects for the use of media technologies in the professional training of teaching staff. The methodological basis of the study was the main provisions of media education and education informatization. When analyzing the problem, such methods as analysis and synthesis were used, as well as systemic and structural-functional approaches. An analysis of the problem of the use of media technologies in the training of future educators showed that the problem of the use of media technologies is relevant both for society as a whole and for the education sector. However, the preparation of future educators for the use of media technologies in professional activities is not given due attention, the prospects for the use of media technologies in the future professional activities of educators have not been sufficiently studied. The study showed that the use of media technologies by an educator should be carried out both in educational activities, and in research and educational activities. Improving the media culture of students-future educators should be one of the important areas of their professional training. Media culture is an important component of the professionalism of a modern educator, which is reflected in the system of assessment. The information and educational space of a pedagogical university should be saturated with media content, which should be in demand during the entire learning process of students.

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