
Bronchopneumonia is a respiratory disease caused by non-infectious or infectious agents to the respiratory tract, causing inflammation of the bronchi and alveoli. The case study aimed to find out alternative diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for cases of bronchopneumonia. Physical examination was carried out on a cat with complaints of sneezing accompanied by moist nose and eyes unilaterally since one month. Physical examination showed a high intensity of sneezing accompanied by a runny nose mucoid unilateral from the nose and unilateral mucopurulent discharge from the eyes with a lot of volume and crackles heard in the area of ​​the bronchi to the lungs during inspiration and expiration. X-ray results of the thoracic region show inflammation of the bronchial walls and lungs. The results of cytological examination of the runny nose and eyes found cells neutrophils. The results of the haematological examination showed rate increase white blood cell (WBC), granulocytes, and red distribution width (RDW-CV). Bacterial culture examination showed results staphylococcus sp. on nasal discharge and bacteria Enterobacter sp. on eye discharge. The therapy given to cat cases is causative, symptomatic, and supportive by utilizing natural ingredients. Honey is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, while lemon water has antioxidant potential. Treatment is in the form of giving a combination of manuka honey and lemon water products with a total of 5 ml given orally twice a day for one month. The results of treatment for one month showed good progress in case animals with reduced frequency of runny nose and eyes and a significant decrease in the intensity of sneezing. Treatment in case animals can continue until the symptoms of runny nose and sneezing disappear completely

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