
THE value of poultry pasture for decreasing feed costs has been reviewed by Heuser, Norris and Bruckner (1943), Kennard (1951) and Payne and Gish (1943). Reports by Darrow and Morgan (1944) have indicated an appreciable saving from the use of pasture with turkeys. Thomas (1937) found that the protein level in the diet affected the ultimate botanical composition of the range and that chicks on a low protein diet grazed better than chicks fed a diet adequate in protein. Recent field reports have questioned the value of range in poultry rearing. The possibility existed that the diets were becoming more complete, and therefore the pasture did not fulfill as critical a need as it had formerly. Pasture produces high amounts of protein-containing materials which can be used easily by the turkey because of its grazing habits. The nitrogen content of this material varies with maturity. Generally speaking, the more mature…

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