
Aim of research. To study the use of liposomal solutions of antibiotics in the complex treatment of infected and festering wounds in children.Materials and methods of research: The results of clinical and laboratory examinations of 77 children 3-18 years old with infected and festering wounds were analyzed. All children were distributed into groups of observation by the character of the treatment: in 37 sick children (the main group) liposomal preparations were used in the complex treatment. Patients of the control group (40 children) get the generally accepted complex treatment. The groups of comparison were statistically similar by the character and localization of pathological process, age, prescription of disease. In the main group an antibacterial-liposomal mixture was injected into the wound alongside with the generally accepted methods. The dynamics of the clinical, laboratory, cytological, bacteriological and morphological indicators was defined using the generally accepted technics. The general condition of patient’s organism was assessed with a help of laboratory methods of research (general clinical and biochemical analyses).Results. In the main group it was observed a persistent tendency to normalization of leukocytal formula and of the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood that reached normal values (p < 0,05) on 7th day. In 36 patients of the control group leukocytosis remained for 7 days. Evident differences of indicators of leukocytal index of intoxication and of an index of the shift of leukocytal formula in the main and the control groups were observed on 3-4th day. In addition its decrease was combined with diminution of an intensity of clinical symptoms and with decrease of manifestations of the local pathological process.Bacteriological examination of the nidus of inflammation in patients of examined groups revealed that in the main group the diminution of the degree of infectious contamination passed faster (p<0,05 – on first 3 days, p<0,01 – from the 4 day of observation. On the 3 day the number of microbial cells in 1 ml. of the wash from infected and festering wounds was 103 – 106 CFU/ml, on the 4–6 day was lower than 103 CFU/ml.Conclusions. After 3 days of treatment wounds with liposomal solution of antibiotics the faster rates of normalization of clinical and laboratory and cytological indicators were reliably fixed in 67% of patients from the main group in comparison with the control one. The use of liposomal solutions of antibiotics in the complex treatment of infected and festering wounds in children results in intensification of biosynthetic activity of cells, reparative processes in the wound area, fastens formation of granulation tissue


  • В работе представлены результаты использования липосомальных растворов цефтриаксона в комплексном лечении инфицированных и гнойных ран у детей

  • After 3 days of treatment wounds with liposomal solution of antibiotics the faster rates of normalization of clinical and laboratory and cytological indicators were reliably fixed in 67 % of patients from the main group in comparison with the control one

  • Мельянцева // Вестник АМН СССР. – 1990. – No 6. – С. 44–47

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Медичні науки

Климова Олена Михайлівна, доктор біологічних наук, професор, Лабораторія клінічної імунології, Харківський науково-дослідний інститут загальної та невдклідної хірургії Академії медичних наук України в’їзд Балакірєва, 1, м. В работе представлены результаты использования липосомальных растворов цефтриаксона в комплексном лечении инфицированных и гнойных ран у детей. After 3 days of treatment wounds with liposomal solution of antibiotics the faster rates of normalization of clinical and laboratory and cytological indicators were reliably fixed in 67 % of patients from the main group in comparison with the control one. 3. Цель исследования Изучить использование липосомальных растворов антибиотиков в комплексном лечении инфицированных и гнойных ран у детей. Все дети были разделены на группы наблюдения по характеру получаемого лечения: у 37 больных детей (основная группа) в комплексном лечении использовали липосомальные препараты. В клинические наблюдения входили гнойные раны после вскрытия абсцессов, флегмон, лимфаденитов различной локализации: 28 детей основной группы и 32 ребенка в контрольной группе. Лейкоцитарного индекса патологического очага воспаления у больных интоксикации и индекса сдвига исследованных групп (М+m, КОЕ/мл) лейкоцитов крови (М+m). Основная (n=37) 3,9+0,11 3,2+0,1 2,9+0,1 группы с инфицированными и гнойными ранами

Динамика изменения индекса сдвига лейкоцитов крови
Контрольная группа
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