
Background: Library space is of great importance in the library and to students, various literature has indicated how important library space is to students. Today libraries are redesigning and renovating the library in order to fit students changing needs. Aims: The aim of this research was to investigate students’ use of their library spaces, their perceptions and preferences in the use of library spaces in National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). Methods: A questionnaire was developed based on students’ preferences and perceptions in the use of library space. After which the questionnaire was distributed to students. Results: About 234 responses were received, Majority of respondents preferred group study rooms than all other study rooms, most students use the library when they have a serious study to do, most students also preferred sitting areas close to the windows, although few students preferred traditional library space and crowded areas for studying in the library. Majority of students reported that the library needs improvement in its facilities and services. Conclusion: It can therefore be concluded that various student perceptions and preferences in the use of library spaces differs in National Open University of Nigeria.

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