
The issue of the importance of interactive physical education in the process of forming the health-preserving competence of high school students is highlighted. It was found that the main forms of physical education in institutions of general secondary education are physical culture lessons aimed at the development of health-preserving competence, sustainable motivation to engage in physical exercises, increasing the level of motor activity, forming motor abilities and skills, expanding the functional capabilities of the students' body through purposeful development of natural abilities, involvement in physical culture and health activities. The expediency of conducting interactive physical education lessons in high school, aimed at the development of health-preserving competence, sustainable motivation of students to engage in physical education and sports, and other types of physical education and sports training aimed at increasing the level of motor activity, improving life the necessary abilities and skills, the ability to use them in educational and everyday activities, the expansion of the functional capabilities of the students' body through the purposeful development of natural abilities, basic physical qualities, involvement in physical culture and health activities. The method of forming health-preserving competence in the process of interactive physical education based on the implementation of active methods, means and forms of organizing physical exercises, in particular those that involve the direct involvement of students in the educational process, has been substantiated and developed. The effectiveness of interactive training in physical education was confirmed by the reliable positive dynamics of indicators of motivation, motor readiness and somatic health in high school students.

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