
The article is devoted to the application of intelligent technologies to improve the quality of production management on the example of the manufacturing process of support frames for the installation of refrigeration units in freezers of bakeries using semi-finished products to ensure production flexibility. The relevance of the task from the point of view of increasing production efficiency, as well as the requirements for digitalization, is substantiated. The approach to the identification of significant objects and conditions of the subject area, in relation to each model, is indicated. The stages and key features of support frames manufacturing are described, which are then formalized and, ultimately, presented in the form of production and semantic knowledge models, on the basis of which it is possible to develop a knowledge base - the core of a decision support system (DSS). The main results of the work are compiled production and semantic models in a graphical representation, giving a holistic view of the modeled process in a complex. According to the production model, it is possible to trace the course of the process with the main possible deviations. The semantic model provides a holistic view of the objects of the subject area and their relationships. The frame model will be presented in further works. Similarly, it is proposed to create models for the representation of knowledge on the main and auxiliary processes of the bakery in order to use them all in complex in intelligent production management systems. The considered approach can be used by a wide range of developers of intelligent systems for food and other industrial productions and is the first and fundamental step in the modern trend of digital transformation of industrial enterprises within the framework of Industry 4.0.

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