Three soil sites are chosen in the holy governorate of Kerbala / Al-Husseiniya region, for three types of trees (Morus, palm, and Citrus aurantium). Soils are characterized by similar texture, parent material, topography, climatic conditions and equal rainfall, in order to study the effect of biochemical activities in rhizosphere on weathering of mica and compare it with Bulk soil, by using of infrared technology. Results of IR spectrum inspections for Bulk soil show that the absorption spectra at wave length 1500-1650 cm-1 representing a zeolite water, with varying degrees of widens, reflecting the variation in degrees of clay minerals hydrolysis in these soils. In general the rhizosphere clay of Morus trees show the widest range of this absorption spectra, followed by the rhizosphere clays of Palms and Citrus aurantium trees respectively. The results show a presence spectrum of 3000-3800 cm-1 representing the substitution of Al3+ for Si4+ in tetrahedra sheet of mica, and the increasing width of this spectrum reflect more substitution of Al3+ for Si4+. Results show that the lowest width of this spectrum is found in rhizosphere soil of Morus trees, reflecting a high proportion of smectite in this soil. The low abundance of 1500 - 1650 cm-1 spectrum in Bulk soil of all trees, indicates the low degree of hydrolysis of the clay minerals in these soils. Also, the result show that the narrow spectrum range 1000 - 1050 cm-1, is found in all Bulk soils, which confirms the decline of transformation process of mica towards the 2:1 minerals in these soils..
Three soil sites are chosen in the holy governorate of Kerbala
Soils are characterized by similar texture
in order to study the effect of biochemical activities
اٌّب٠ىب لذ رؾٛي ثبٌىبًِ اٌِ ٝؼبدْ 2:1اٌّزّذدح. ٌمذ اعزخذِذ ٘زٖ اٌؾم١مخ اٌؼٍّ١خ ٌذساعخ ِذ ٜرؾٛي ِؼبدْ اٌّب٠ىب ٚثخبطخ فِٕ ٟطمخ اٌشا٠ضٚعف١ش ثبرغبٖ اٌّؼبدْ اٌّزّذدح .2:1فمذ اظٙشد ٔزبئظ اٌفؾض ثبلأشؼخ رؾذ اٌؾّشاء IRف ٟالأشىبي ٚ 3 ،2 ،1عٛد ؽضِخ ؽ١ف الأِزظبص 3800 -3000عُٚ ،1-اٌز ٟرش١ش اٌ ٝرٛاعذ ِغّٛػخ ِؼبدْ اٌغّىزب٠ذٚ ،اٌز ٟوّب اعٍفٕب ثبٔٙب ظٙشد ثزشدداد ِزجبٕ٠خ ٚراد ارغبع ِزجبٌ ٓ٠مّّٙب٘ٚ ،زا اٌزجب ٓ٠فٟ اٌزشدد ٚالأرغبع ٌٍؾضِخ اٌّزوٛسح ػبئذ أٌ ٝغت اؽلاي أٔٛ٠بد الإٌِّٔ Al3+َٛ١ؾً أٔٛ٠بد اٌغٍ١ى Si4+ْٛف ٟؽجمبد اٌززشا٘١ذسا ،فمذ ثٕ١ذ ٔزبئظ الأشىبي 3 ،2 ،1أْ ألً ارغبع ٌٍمّخ اٌّزوٛسح عغً فّٛٔ ٟرط أؽ١بْ رشثخ اٌشا٠ضٚعف١ش لأشغبس اٌزٛد رلا٘ب ف ٟاٌزشر١ت أؽ١بْ رشثخ اٌشا٠ضٚعف١ش لأشغبس إٌخ ً١صُ إٌبسٔظِّ ،ب ٠ذي ػٍ ٝص٠بدح ٔغت ِؼذْ أٌّٛزّٛسٍٔٛ٠ب٠ذ فّٛٔ ٟرط أؽ١بْ رشثخ اٌشا٠ضٚعف١ش لأشغبس اٌزٛدٚ ،ثبٌؼىظ ص٠بدح رؾٛي ِؼبدْ اٌّب٠ىب ف ٟاٌزشثخ اٌّزوٛسح ثبرغبٖ اٌّؼبدْ اٌّزّذدح ٚ ،2:1رأو١ذا ٌٙزا الافزشاع ِ٘ ٛب أوذرٗ ٔزبئظ فؾٛطبد الأشؼخ رؾذ اٌؾّشاء فٟ الأشىبي ِٓ 3 ،2 ،1أسرفبع ٔغت ِؼذْ أٌّٛزّٛسٍٔٛ٠ب٠ذ ف ٟاٌزشثخ اٌّزوٛسح ٚرٌه ِٓ خلاي اسرفبع شذح ٚارغبع ؽضِخ ؽ١ف الاِزظبص 920-820عُِ 1-مبسٔخ ثأؽ١بْ رشة
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