
The question of the formation of the language personality of a student of higher education and increasing interest in learning has always been the focus of psychological-pedagogical and methodical research and remains extremely relevant to this day. The issue of speech culture, which is formed in classes on educational components of the humanitarian direction, among which the leading role belongs to language disciplines, in particular, classes on the Ukrainian language in a professional direction, is of considerable importance for the implementation of professional activities and for solving organizational issues.The article is devoted to the issue of finding such forms and methods of work in Ukrainian language classes for students of higher education institutions, which would promote the activation of students' educational activities, increase their interest in learning, and improve speech culture. The purpose of the article is to highlight the issue of the use of didactic games in Ukrainian language classes for professional orientation as a means of forming the rhetorical competence of future bachelors and improving the level of their speech culture. The article clarifies the role of interesting exercises in the formation of linguistic, communicative, and rhetorical competence of the student of education, and describes the method of organizing classes using didactic games, which will contribute to the development of non-standard thinking, and creativity of students. Features of the use of didactic games in classes are described and concrete examples are given. The results of the study showed that classes using didactic games contribute to the development of the student's creative personality, improvement of the communicative qualities of his speech, improvement of general culture, formation of moral factors, and indifference to the history and language of his native people. The methodical principles of using didactic games in Ukrainian language classes for professional orientation are scientifically substantiated; the method of using such exercises while working on language material was developed and checked, and the proposed method was checked, which contributes to the students' conscious assimilation of the educational material. It can be implemented in the educational process and used to improve programs and textbooks. Prospects for further research in this field are outlined.

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