
The article deals with important aspects of research and implementation of risk-oriented approach (ROA), including: The operation of OSMS is necessary to carry out based on the management of professional risks. Decision-making and management of safe labour are associated with probabilistic certainty. That is the concept of risk, the features of which largely depend on the methods of enterprise management as a whole.Certification of workplaces and assessment of injury safety, in particular, should be associated with risk assess-ment. It allows building a safety system based on the concept of risk. At the same time, the idea of acceptable risk (CAR) permits you to analyze and ensure the level of safety of the production environment and apply a fairly simple, objective and not contradicting the requirements of the labour protection method of a quantitative assessment of professional risks.A significant improvement of injury safety assessment methodology is the transition to the concept of acceptable risk and the rejection from the concept of absolute safety, which requires new methods of a quantitative assessment of the level of injury safety. The proposed method of risk assessment is based on statistical characteristics of injuries and economic losses of the enterprise.The article proposes a set of measures to increase the level of safety at work and improve the ROA.It is important to update the legislation on the restructuring of social policy in the field of labour relations in Ukraine, including labour protections, to improve injury prevention, OSMS reform.The prevention of occupational injuries based on improving the effectiveness of measures and means of labour protection at the sectoral, state and industrial levels should be ensured by the new OSMS developed based on the Concept and the updated Law "On labour protection" in Ukraine.The purpose of research is to develop and implement methods of increasing the efficiency of activities in the field of labour protection by developing mechanisms to prevent industrial risks.The use of the conducted analysis and research will help to prevent hard forms of injuries with on-time adoption of the necessary management decisions on occupational safety at work.The eccentricity of the study is to perform an analytical assessment of the effectiveness of activities in the field of protection and develop models of organization and planning of risk-oriented approach (ROA) for its implementation in OSH. Developed a model of production risk management, which is based on a component method of assessing the risk of traumatic events and a mathematical model of management decisions, which differs from the existing one taking into account all available information related to the risk of the enterprise.Conclusion. A step-by-step expert assessment of measures to reduce production risk at an industrial enterprise by implementing measures according to certain criteria is proposed. The use of expert assessments in the planning of measures to reduce occupational injuries is appropriate. Because such an approach links preventive measures in the field of labour protection with the results of risk assessment and reduces the subjectivity in management decisions.Validity / Consequences of research. The proposed method of expert assessment of measures to reduce occupa-tional risk is relevant for industrial enterprises. It helps to find ways to reduce occupational injuries, as well as the imple-mentation of the Concept of labour protection reform in Ukraine.


  • У статті розглянуто важливі аспекти дослідження та впровадження ризик-орієнтованого підхіду (РОП) і в т. ч.: Функціонування система управління охороною праці (СУОП) необхідно здійснювати на основі управління професійними ризиками

  • The article deals with important aspects of research and implementation of risk-oriented approach (ROA), including: The operation of occupational safety management system (OSMS) is necessary to carry out based on the management of professional risks

  • The proposed method of risk assessment is based on statistical characteristics of injuries and economic losses of the enterprise

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State Labor Service of Ukraine 3 Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article deals with important aspects of research and implementation of risk-oriented approach (ROA), including: The operation of OSMS is necessary to carry out based on the management of professional risks. Щоб оцінка ризиків забезпечувала підвищення рівня безпеки праці на виробництві і не перетворювалася у просту формальність, необхідно розробити [21]: галузеві керівні матеріали з ідентифікації небезпек, що враховують специфіку виробництва; галузеві методичні вказівки з кількісної оцінки ризиків, орієнтовані на практичне застосування; централізовану та систематично поновлювану базу даних з промислових ризиків та аварійних ситуацій, яка могла би бути надійним джерелом інформації для експертів та фахівців з ОП відповідної кваліфікації; доступне для фахівців з ОП програмне забезпечення для автоматизації робіт з оцінки безпеки та ризику; критерії та орієнтовні величини прийнятного професійного ризику і вартісне значення життя людини для можливості об’єктивного страхування виробничих ризиків та розрахунку відшкодувань залежно від специфіки конкретної галузі та ОПН.

15. How to carry out а risk assessment
13. The Risk Assessment Information System
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