
Since its inception in ancient Greece, public space has played a key role in the politics and democracy of cities. Its role has been degraded in post-modernity, and reached its deepest crisis in the full maturity of the post-Fordist system (from 1990 onwards). This economic and representation depression, as well as institutional legitimacy, that States are experiencing, have promoted the emergence and resurgence of different social movements that flood cities globally. Here is where the concern of the Frente Urbano Amparo Poch y Gascón collective lies, formed by the authors, to recognize and characterize, from a socio-urban logic, these manifestations and the sustained occupation that public spaces have experienced in different Latin American cities during the last decade. This research, framed within the Virtual Latin American Meeting, Utopías Líquidas, is proposed starting from a mixed methodology of collective mapping, recognizing public spaces, and characterizing their occupation exercised by Latin American social movements, in the dispute to redefine them and regain their political character, and thus value the different Latin American social movements and their struggles, in an act that encourages resistance and solidarity.


  • Estudiante del Magíster en Geografía, FLORENCIA RETAMAL QUIJADA, JAVIERA PAVEZ ESTRADA REVISTA URBANO No 44 / NOVIEMBRE 2021-ABRIL 2022 PÁG. 98 - 111 ISSN 0717 - 3997 / 0718 - 3607

  • Since its inception in ancient Greece, public space has played a key role in the politics and democracy of cities

  • Urbano Amparo Poch y Gascón collective lies, formed by the authors, to recognize and characterize, from a socio-urban logic, these manifestations and the sustained occupation that public spaces have experienced in different Latin American cities during the last decade

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FLORENCIA RETAMAL QUIJADA, JAVIERA PAVEZ ESTRADA REVISTA URBANO No 44 / NOVIEMBRE 2021-ABRIL 2022 PÁG. 98 - 111 ISSN 0717 - 3997 / 0718 - 3607. Nace la inquietud del colectivo Frente Urbano Amparo Poch y Gascón, conformado por las presentes autoras, de reconocer y caracterizar desde una lógica socio-urbana estas manifestaciones y los espacios públicos sobre los que han ejercido una ocupación sostenida en distintas ciudades de América Latina durante la última década. 1977), donde se suprimen elementos que favorecen el estar y a la puesta en valor del rol que juegan los movimientos y se video-vigila a la población con el fin de evitar cualquier sociales y sus reivindicaciones en el espacio público de las expresión política entendida como desobediencia civil Swyngedouw (2018), por su parte, propone que los movimientos sociales, en su intento de recuperar del posmodernismo al espacio público como un lugar de encuentro y lugar político, redefinen a la ciudad más allá de un artefacto productivo-económico, enriqueciendo a la polis con estatus político y democrático. La ciudad arrasada no es silente, sino que habla a gritos que reclaman urgentes transformaciones” (Fuentes Hernández y Cerda Brintrup, 2020, p. 4)

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