
Are the United States (the US)- the People's Republic of China (the PRC) relations inevitably headed for war? The US-the PRC relations constitute one of the most interesting topics in terms of international political studies. Precisely for this reason, the study of political relations between the US and the PRC is of the great importance in terms systemic level of the international political studies. The main purpose of this study is to show that the relations of the US and the PRC, as two influential acting units at the level of systemic international politics, are of competitive cooperation. In this study, Popperian falsification method was used in the context of political, economic and cultural data revealed by bilateral relations. The definition of the inevitably dragged into a war by the US-the PRC with a historicist perspective also brings with it an important problem in terms of international political studies. This point also creates an important opportunity to discuss the explanatory capacity of international political theories. Considering the Structural Realist Theory in the US-the PRC case, it is seen that military, economic and social relations are important in terms of influencing the structure as much as the formation of the structure. The US-the PRC relations, it is seen that a competitive cooperation structure has emerged rather than a process leading to war.

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