
The paper discusses how the understanding of lecturers at University of Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang is related to the new literacy in the Industrial revolution Era 4.0 which is big data literacy, technology literacy, and humanity literacy which have recently been a basis in developing learning in universities and which help to accommodate graduates to be able to compete in the era of globalization. This research is done by qualitative approach, the sample is 35 university of Putra Indonesia lecturers in multi-disciplines. Triangulation is used to collect the data through interview, observation and documentation. Data are analyzed using the procedures proposed by Creswell. The finding explains that the lecturers’ understanding of the new literacy in Industrial revolution era 4.0 are generally low; those are in understanding of big data taxonomy analysis, enough understanding and application of technology taxonomy analysis, and has applied humanity literacy only limited to train critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication yet inapplicable and less focus on enhancing competitive skills in the era of globalization. The research suggests the lecturers to do improvement independently and through campus support. They also need to be more applicable in implementing new literacy in the era of industrial revolution 4.0.

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