
Our purpose in this communication is to describe in detail the sequelae and the residual signs and symptoms in a group of fifty-four cases available for examination among 101 patients who survived, out of a total group of 200 severe craniocerebral injuries admitted to the Cook County Hospital in a period of ten months, during 1924-1925. This study includes only those cases that showed evidence of severe craniocerebral injury, skull fracture, coma, and various general or focal signs. The material of fifty-four cases consisted of the patients who were available for examination at a period from six to eighteen months following the original injury. These patients were either visited or came to the office, and a complete physical and neurologic examination was made. In a few instances the entire material of 200 cases, including ninety-nine fatal ones, was analyzed as to the condition of the pupils, deep reflexes and spinal

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