This paper explores the intricate interplay between digital platforms and generational preferences, focusing on how social media platforms shape the preferences and behaviors of users across Generation X, Y, and Z in both China and the United States, respectively. By conducting a SWOT analysis and comparing the usage patterns and characteristics of these generations, the study aims to unravel the factors that contribute to the dominance of specific social media platforms within each generation. The analysis draws on empirical data from multiple sources, including statistical reports from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), and industry websites such as Statista and HubSpot. By quantifying user behaviors and analyzing the evolution of digital platforms, the paper reveals that each generation’s dominant platform reflects its unique characteristics, shaped by their social, historical, and technological contexts. Furthermore, the study highlights the bidirectional influence between generations and digital platforms, with platforms adapting their mechanisms and content to cater to users’ proclivities, while users, in turn, are molded by the information they consume. Overall, this paper contributes to the understanding of how generational differences intersect with digital marketing strategies, offering insights into the competitive advantages that propel certain platforms to become the favorites of their respective generations.
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