
The two variable   / ,1/ G G G  -expansion method is employed to construct exact traveling wave solutions with parameters of the (3 + 1)-dimensional nonlinear potential Yu-TodaSasa-Fukuyama (YTSF) equation. When the parameters are replaced by special values, the well-known solitary wave solutions of this equation rediscovered from the traveling waves. This method can be thought of as the generalization of the well-known original   / G G  expansion method proposed by M. Wang et al. It is shown that the two variable   / ,1/ G G G  -expansion method provides a more powerful mathematical tool for solving many other nonlinear PDEs in mathematical physics. Index Terms The two variable   / ,1/ G G G  -expansion method ; The (3 + 1)-dimensional potential YTSF equation ; Exact traveling wave solutions; Solitary wave solutions.

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