
The article is a review of the monograph by S.I. Zakhartsev, D.V. Maslennikov, V.P. Salnikov “Logos of Law: Parmenides - Hegel - Dostoevsky. On the Speculative-logical foundations of the Metaphysics of Law” 2019 and its English edition 2021 In the process of analyzing this work, the peculiarity of its authors’ understanding of the subject and method of philosophy as a science of the universal unity of thinking and being, realized in the complementarity of historical and logical forms, is revealed. Based on this, the authors of the monograph largely fill the gap that exists in philosophical and legal knowledge. Namely: they reveal the theoretical content of the process of mediation of general philosophy and Philosophy of Law. In this context, the philosophical and philosophical-legal teachings of Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Dostoevsky are analyzed as necessary steps in the unified process of cognition of the essence and meaning of legal existence. As a result, the authors of the monograph give a modern interpretation of the main problems of the Philosophy of Law: the problems of the absolute in law, the value dimension in law, the relationship of the historical and logical principles of law and legal thinking, time and eternity, and others, as well as lay the foundations of legal Christology, substantiate the model of the comprehensive theory of law.

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