
A new color picture tube named SONY "TRINITRON" has been developed, based on a concept or electron optics which is different from conventional color picture tubes. "TRINITRON" has a three-beamed-single gun, unlike the conventional picture tubes with three independent electron guns, each of which emits an electron beam in order to produce the respective primary color image on the picture screen. In "TRINITRON", single gun emits simultaneous three electron beams. "TRINITRON" electron optical system comprises a common electron lens system for the three beams and consists of two electron lenses of large aperture openings, with a pair of electron prisms (deflector) for the color convergence. The large aperture electron lens in "TRINITRON" greatly improves the brightness and the sharpness of the picture. In the newly designed electron optical system, three beams pass through the center of this large lens and make pictures brighter and sharper with less aberration. In addition to this new three-beamed single gun, a new color defining mechanism named "APERTURE GRILL" has been developed. It has better beam transparency, which again makes the picture brighter than with the shadow mask; and the "APERTURE GRILL" is as easy to manufacture as the former. Fig. 1 shows a photograph of a 14V" shadow mask tube using the "TRINITRON" electron gun (right) compared with a 14V" shadow mask tube using a conventional 3-gun (left).

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