
A litho-biostratigraphic analysis has been carried out in the Gador-Turon unit of the Sierra de Gador (Alpujarride complex, Betic Cordillera, SE Spain). The Triassic succession of this unit is composed of a lower meta-detrital formation overlain by an upper meta-carbonate formation divided in six members. In the latter, a Ladinian–Carnian-rich fossil association has been found (foraminifers, algae, bivalves, microproblematica, trace fossils). Facies analysis has enabled the recognition of 22 facies of platform origin. This succession accumulated as a subsiding margin-type carbonate platform with homoclinal ramp geometry (Anisian?–Ladinian) evolving into a fault-block-type platform with a steeper-margined geometry (Ladinian–Carnian). Slope deposits of this latter platform show a prism-like geometry with progradational patterns and include syn-sedimentary structures associated with normal faults capped by younger beds. The results of the present research indicate that the architecture of the platform studied has been controlled mainly by climate and oceanic factors during the development of the ramp, and by syn-sedimentary extensional tectonics during the development of the steeper-margined platform. The Ladinian–Carnian tectonic activity was probably also responsible for the siliciclastic input and the shift to a mixed terrigenous-carbonate platform.

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