
Surface modification of nanoparticles with different stabilizers is one of the most widely used methods to improve their stability and applicability. Silver nanoparticle (AgNPs) dispersions with biologically active stabilizers have great potential as plant protection products with synergetic antimicrobial properties and sufficient stability in terms of field application. The obtained AgNPs dispersions have the ability to enhance growth, increase yield and give better protection to various crops. At the same time, it is important to determine the fate, stability, and ecotoxicity of the applied nanosized products. The toxic effects of AgNPs dispersions and their constituents, organic stabilizers and additives, were evaluated using a phenotypic sea urchin embryo assay. Certain AgNPs dispersions with organic stabilizers demonstrated sufficient stability, even in seawater. The toxicity of the AgNPs decreased with the increasing tendency to agglomerate in seawater. Furthermore, the applied stabilizers were hazardous towards sea urchin embryos. They caused pronounced embryo abnormalities at 0.25-2.6 mg/L concentrations. AgNPs exhibited a lethal effect at concentrations that were equal to the MLC or exceeded the MEC of their stabilizers. Silver ions were more toxic towards sea urchin embryos than AgNPs.

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