
Purpose. Assessment of existing and potential nature reserves of Cherkasy region on ecological, cultural and historical grounds, as well as for organization of recreation and development of tourism in these territories. Creation of a universal database of eco-tourism through GIS by connecting digital maps of Cherkasy region for online exchange of information. This system provides data integration for users with different interests and across different age groups (schoolchildren, foreigners, athletes, holidaymakers, scientists, etc.). Methods. Vectorization of bitmaps; correction, use and storage of materials and re sults of remote sensing; collecting and anchoring field research data, constructing, designing and submitting a mapping image. Results. Geographic information technology is a tool that helps to study natural resources in more detail, to use them rationally, to carry out detailed environmental monitoring, as well as geoinformation technologies to create databases with the necessary and useful for the consumer geographical information. Therefore, such tourism databases should be created, which will carry all the information about the tourism product. The content and structure of the tourist GIS are considered, the main stages of its creation are determined. The role of tourism GIS in applied tourism studies at the administrative region level is shown. The methodological basis for the creation of tourism GIS for eco-tourism in the use of computer technologies is the general basics of the creation and operation of geoinformation systems. Conclusions. The research that will be carried out in the future will be related to the work on the development and creation of a database of objects of the nature reserve fund by the type and necessity of their use in the field of ecological tourism. For individual rural communities, the strategy for the rational use of natural resources within the objects of the nature reserve fund will be calculated on the basis of this database.


  • The methodological basis for the creation of tourism GIS for eco-tourism in the use of computer technologies is the general basics of the creation and operation of geoinformation systems

  • The research that will be carried out in the future will be related to the work on the development and creation of a database of objects of the nature reserve fund by the type and necessity of their use in the field of ecological tourism

  • The strategy for the rational use of natural resources within the objects of the nature reserve fund will be calculated on the basis of this database

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Vectorization of bitmaps; correction, use and storage of materials and results of remote sensing; collecting and anchoring field research data, constructing, designing and submitting a mapping image. Создание универсальной базы данных экологического туризма с помощью ГИС путем подключения в режиме on-line цифровые карты Черкасской области для интерактивного обмена информацией. На тлі повсякденного збільшення антропогенного навантаження на природні екосистеми новим змістом постають традиційні проблеми складу, призначення і головних завдань як традиційних напрямів екологічного туризму [1,16], так і доволі нових [3,13]. Метою дослідження є: - оцінка існуючих та потенційних природних заповідних територій Черкащини за екологічними, культурно-історичними ознаками, а також для організації відпочинку і розвитку туризму на даних територіях. - створення універсальної бази даних екологічного туризму за допомогою ГІС шляхом підключення в режимі on-line цифрові карти Черкаської області для інтерактивного обміну інформацією. Новизна дослідження полягає в тому, що вперше для Черкаської області буде створена така база даних

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