
The effect of stretching on joint range of motion is well documented, and although sensory perception has significance for changes in the tolerance to stretch following stretching the underlining mechanisms responsible for these changes is insufficiently understood. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of endogenous pain inhibitory mechanisms on stretch tolerance and to investigate the relationship between range of motion and changes in pain sensitivity. Nineteen healthy males participated in this randomized, repeated-measures crossover study, conducted on 2 separate days. Knee extension range of motion, passive resistive torque, and pressure pain thresholds wererecorded before, after, and 10min after each of fourexperimental conditions; (i) Exercise-induced hypoalgesia, (ii) two bouts of static stretching, (iii) resting, and (iv) a remote, painful stimulus induced by the cold pressor test. Exercise-induced hypoalgesia and cold pressor test caused an increase in range of motion (p<0.034) and pressure pain thresholds (p<0.027). Moderate correlations in pressure pain thresholds were found between exercise-induced hypoalgesia and static stretch (Rho>0.507, p=0.01) and exercise-induced hypoalgesia and the cold pressor test (Rho=0.562, p=0.01). A weak correlation in pressure pain thresholds and changes in range of motion were found following the cold pressor test (Rho=0.460, p=0.047). However, a potential carryover hypoalgesic effect may have affected the results of the static stretch. These results suggest that stretch tolerance may be linked with endogenous modulation of pain. Present results suggest, that stretch tolerance may merely be a marker for pain sensitivity which may have clinical significance given that stretching is often prescribed in the rehabilitation of different musculoskeletal pain conditions where reduced endogenous pain inhibition is frequently seen.

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