
Are good and evil an essential quality of existence? Or is this attribute imposed on the entity from outside? … etc. The problem area has been discussed in different ways among Islamic theologians. Another way of questioning the theological inquiry in question is what is the source of religious responsibility? Is the theological reason that makes man responsible (?) or is it the guidance of the prophet and the revelation (?) …etc. questions lead us to the same answers? The concepts that are indirectly revealed by the theological discussions in question are the concepts of "fatrah" and "ahl al-fatrah". The new problem that entered our agenda with this couple of concepts, what is the position of "ahl al-fatrah" in terms of religion (?) What is the position of the Prophet's parents (?) …. etc. The discussions are secondary derivatives of the main discussion in question. Two attitudes have been displayed in these theological debates in the Islamic tradition. According to the first of these, he assumes that he can accept the existence and oneness of God, starting from the human universe, with pure reason without the need for revelation. According to the other view, while accepting that the mind has the potential to determine the existence and unity of Allah, it assumes that responsibility can only be possible with Allah's orders and prohibitions. The main reason why the parties have different approaches to the issue is; Are “al-husûn” and “al-kubûh” essential qualities of existence? Or is the "value/norm" as a quality imposed on the being by religious orders and prohibitions? shaped by the discussion. The approach that refers to the parents of prophet Muhammad in theology is mostly the evaluation of scholars who understand that goodness "al-husûn" and evil "al-kubûh" are not the essential quality of existence, but are communicated with orders and prohibitions. Conceptualized as "ahl al-fatrah" and this group, which also included the parents of prophet Muhammed, could be included in the discussion from this point of view. According to this approach, man needs the leadership of revelation to be responsible. Those who do not receive revelation are not liable. “Ahl al-fatrah” (people of the interregnum) are also people who, due to a valid excuse, did not have the opportunity to receive revelation. The parents of the prophet are also from this group. In our study, the data on this theological subject will be analyzed in the context of research methods of social sciences.

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