
 In the public sphere, internal relations between fellow Muslims appear negative. Some Muslims insult, curse and slander each other. Likewise, relations between religious communities externally show a less harmonious relationship. There is mutual suspicion in the relationship between religious communities externally. Some Muslim scholars offer the concept of internal relativism as a solution for relations between fellow Muslims internally and the concept of external relativism as a solution for relations between various religious communities in the public space. Therefore, this article tries to elaborate on the significance of the construction of internal and external relativism in building ukhuwah Islamiyah internally and harmony among religious communities externally.
 Keywords: significance, internal and external relativism, religious harmony
 Dalam ruang publik, relasi internal antara sesama umat Islam tampak negatif. Sebagian umat Islam saling mencaci menjelekkan satu sama lain, saling mengutuk dan memfitnah. Begitu pula, relasi antara umat beragama secara eksternal memperlihatkan hubungan yang kurang harmonis. Ada sikap saling curiga dalam hubungan antara umat beragama secara eksternal. Sebagian cendikiawan muslim menawarkan konsep relativisme internal sebagai solusi bagi relasi antara sesama umat Islam secara internal dan konsep relativisme eksternal sebagai solusi bagi relasi antara berbagai umat beragama di ruang publik. Karena itu, artikel ini mencoba untuk menguraikan signifikansi konstruksi relativisme internal dan eksternal dalam membangun ukhuwah islamiyah secara internal dan kerukunan antar umat beragama secara eksternal.
 Kata kunci: signifikansi, relativisme internal dan eksternal, harmoni agama


  • Abstrak: Dalam ruang publik, relasi internal antara sesama umat Islam tampak negatif

  • When talking about the fabric of ukhuwah Islamiyah, brotherhood among Muslims, one of the concepts offered by some Muslim scholars and scholars is the principle of internal relativism

  • Internal relativism is an attitude of inward relativity, without claims of absolutes against oneself and one's own group

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Abstrak: Dalam ruang publik, relasi internal antara sesama umat Islam tampak negatif. When talking about inter-religious harmony, one of the concepts offered by some Muslim scholars and scholars is the principle of external relativism. B. Discourse of Internal and External Relativism First of all we must understand that relativism here does not mean a rejection of the existence of general standards, fundamental religious values, and the principles of creed.

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