
Abstract Education has been explained in the Constitution as a conscious effort to prepare students to believe, understand, appreciate and practice Islam through guidance, teaching and / or training activities by paying attention to the guidelines for respecting other religions in the relationship between religious harmony in the community to realize national unity. Education in Indonesia is inseparable from Islamic education and character. Where in it has been divided into several categories of Islamic education such as Al-Quran Education Hadith, Aqeedah, Fiqh, Worship and Islamic Cultural History. In this case religious education aims to strengthen the faith and devotion to Allah SWT. This journal specializes in learning Al-Quran Hadith, which in this study discusses the Koran and Hadith and its blessings. The quantum learning method is a tip, a guide, a strategy, and an entire learning process that can sharpen understanding and memory, and make learning a pleasant and useful process. Using the quantum learning method obtained from the study of journals and research methods on one of Muhammadiyah schools in Yogyakarta, it was concluded in this journal that the awareness of learning the Koran and Hadith is very low because learning is monotonous and not forced. The quantum learning method is introduced in Indonesian education because it is effective in creating a pleasant learning atmosphere for students and can be long term memory or can be remembered longer.

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