
Lesson plan – an important methodological component of the learning process. Purpose of the article – analyze the current situation and suggest how information technology can assist the development of lesson plans, their accumulation and retrieval, thus ensuring their for effective application. The authors’ disclosures problems of lesson plans creation and its description and did comparative analysis of information and lesson plans templates which provided LO storages. The authors identified the main components of lesson plans and its description, which based are proposed the technology–based lesson plans templates and its description creation. This development of lesson plans and descriptions for educators will allowed re–use didactic resources (lesson plans) as an effective learning tool.


  • how information technology can assist the development of lesson plans

  • The authors identified the main components of lesson plans

  • This development of lesson plans and descriptions for educators will allowed re–use didactic resources (lesson plans) as an effective learning tool

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Metaduomenų elementai

Pamokos plano pateikimo forma Prisegtas pamokos plano failas ar nuoroda (At- + + + + + + + – – – tached Lesson plans file or link) Pamokos planas, pateiktas internete (Web lesson – – – – – + – + + + plan) Pamokos planas, formuojamas naudojant šabloną – – – – + + – + + – (Usage of template). Lentelėje apibendrinama saugyklose teikiama informacija apie pamokos planą, atsižvelgiamą į pamokos plano pateikimo formą ir pan. Kad kiekviena saugykla mokymosi objektų metaduomenyse panaudoja tik dalį informacinių elementų. Šių specifinių elementų pateikimas mokymosi objektų metaduomenyse leidžia gauti tikslesnį paieškos rezultatą. Keturios saugyklos pamokos planus pateikia internete, septynios – leidžia parsisiųsti pamokos plano failą, keturios saugyklos siūlo naudotis pamokos plano šablonais.

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