
The cartographic image of space is represented by a mosaic of halos of the characteristics of the natural framework. The recognition of the characteristics is become an urgent task of any environmental management, both for the purpose of protecting objects and preventing damage from damaging factors such as corrosion. Any natural-technogenic complex is an interconnected functioning paragenetic geosystem, namely, “natural framework – technogenic constructions – heat capacity – wind flow – humidity-biological effect – chemical reactions (corrosion) – cartographic image”. A city is a functioning anthropogenically transformed geosystem in which flows or corridors are involved, barriers are formed that repel and attract flows, and a thermal cushion is formed at different heights. The dynamics, mechanism, factors and patterns of development of dangerous natural and technologically natural processes, the forecast of their development to ensure environmental safety is carried out by “technologies at a glance” or technologies of the geographical industry, built on the principle of recognition or indication. The basis of the methodology is the provision on the city breeze, a phenomenon that causes the compensating movement of air flows in the surface layers of the atmosphere from the outskirts of the city to the center along the corridors for air movement, such as, river valleys, ravine-beam network, radial transport and engineering communications (railway, highways, power lines). The principle of thermogradient, as the driving force of air exchange in a metropolis, becomes the main indicator of determining the paths in the geo-ecological framework on the territory’s photo portrait: an aerial photograph, map, photograph, which forms the basis of “technologies at a glance”.

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