
The work is devoted to the creation of multi-purpose compounds based on organ-ophosphonates (OF) for simultaneous inhibition of salt deposition and corrosion in water use systems. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of salt deposition and corrosion inhibitors based on OP of various chemical composition and structure and their complexates with zinc and magnesium was carried out. It was found that with an increase in the number of functional groups in the reagent molecule and an increase in the length of the hydrocarbon radical connecting the aminomethylene-phosphone groups, an increase in the kinetic param-eters of nucleation and, accordingly, their efficiency is observed. Zinc and magnesium com-plexonates obtained at a molar ratio of 2.5:1 (OF:Me) were tested as salt deposition and cor-rosion inhibitors. It is established that magnesium complexonates are not inferior to zinc ones. The decrease in the corrosion is due to the formation of a protective film on the metal surface. The formation of a protective film is confirmed by the results of ellipsometric studies (spectral LED ellipsometer SPEL-7LED) and the results of elemental analysis (atomic emission spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma iCAP 6300 Duo).

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