
The analysis of such specific area of professional competence of the teacher as work with pupils – representatives of informal youth associations is presented in article. In this article informal youth associations are treated as a social and pedagogical phenomenon. Authors of article consider as the key concept social and pedagogical competence reflecting specifics of work of the teacher with this social group of youth. The analyzed professional competence expands the installation formulated in federal state educational standards of higher education on mastering future teacher of readiness for tolerant perception of social and cultural distinctions of trainees. The analysis was carried out on of the social and pedagogical competence is carried out in article according to of poly-parametrical approach (task, activity, qualifying parameters). The main objective of an articulating of this competence in structure of professional competences of to-be teacher consists in formation at trainees of readiness for optimization, an individualization and democratization of educational process, to overcoming of cross-cultural and social distinctions and realization of the education aimed at the personal development of pupils.

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