
were preserved in 70 per cent alcohol until studied. Specimens were stained in Harris' hematoxylin (1:150 concentration, diluted with 10 per cent ammonium alum), dehydrated in ethanol, cleared in xylene, and mounted in piccolyte. The mounted specimens then were studied under both phase contrast and ordinary light microscopes. Both cross and sagittal serial sections were made and stained in Harris' hematoxylin and eosin. All measurements are given in millimeters. Six of seven toads, Bufo marinus, that were obtained at Moyogalpa, Isle Ometepe, Nicaragua, harbored large numbers of trematodes identified as Loxogenes macrocirra (Caballero and Bravo Hollis, 1949) Yamaguti, 1958. There has been some controversy concerning the genus Langeronia Caballero and Bravo Hollis, 1949, in regard to its distinctness from the genus Loxogenes Stafford, 1904. Caballero and Bravo Hollis (1949) described the genus Langeronia with L. macrocirra as the type from Rand pipiens in Mexico. They separated Langeronia from Brandesia Stossich, 1899, Limatulum Travassos, 1921, and Palitrema Gogate, 1939. Sacks (1952) described Langeronia provitellaria from Rana pipiens in Florida and distinguished it from L. macrocirra on size, more lobate nature of ovary and testes, extent of vitellaria and the length-width ratio of the eggs. Yamaguti (1958) considered Langeronia synoymous with Loxogenes Stafford, 1904. Brenes et al. (1960) studied specimens of L. macrocirra collected in Costa Rica and concluded that Langeronia was

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