
1. This paper comprises a study of the larval morphology and biology of the dipterous parasites of the terrestrial Isopods or woodlice.2.Porcellio scaberL.,Oniscus asellusL.,Metaponorthus pruinosusBrandt., andArmadillidium vulgareLat., were found to be attacked by one or more of the parasites.3. Seven dipterous parasites have been reared and identified from woodlice:Plesina maculataFall.,Melanophora roralisL.,Phyto melanocephalaMeig.,Styloneuria discrepansPand.,Frauenfeldia rubricosaMeig.,Cyrillia angustifronsRond., andRhinophora lepidaMeig. The biology and larval forms of all of these exceptR. lepidaare described and figured, together with those of two undetermined species, “A” and “B.”

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