
Abstract In south east England climate change is predicted to include decreases in periodicity of rainfall events during summer, resulting in more, longer periods of drought. In many temperate regions these changes will affect foraging strategies of soil animals, including arthropod macro-decomposers such as terrestrial isopods. We investigated activity budgets under drier (50%) and moisture (90%) relative humidity conditions, for three species: Porcellio scaber, Oniscus asellus and Armadillidium vulgare, representing three families, which have different morphological adaptations to the terrestrial environment. In the drier environment all three species spent more time sheltering, less time feeding and less time in other activities. Costs of foraging were estimated by monitoring loss of body mass for 7 h. This loss was twice as high under the lower humidity regime. On the basis of morphological traits, two members of the Oniscidae: O. asellus and Philoscia muscorum, differing in eco-morphological strategies, were predicted to be more susceptible to desiccation than members of the Porcellionidae or Amadillidiidae. Members of the Oniscidae lost mass most quickly and also suffered higher mortality in the drier atmosphere. A cost of spending more time sheltering was that consumption of high quality food by Porcellio scaber was significantly reduced in the drier environment. The trade-off between energy gain by feeding and increased probability of survivorship by sheltering, is illustrated using an isopleth model. Changes in the extent to which the soil fauna will stimulate microbial metabolism and hence soil carbon dioxide emissions, under future conditions of climate change are predicted.

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