
Now there is a growing concern among many of the members of the Institute that the PG (Professional Group) organization has grown somewhat too fast and without adequate control of the scope of each group. They also question the ability of IRE membership to support many more professional groups at this time. There is a definite, growing reluctance against permitting indiscriminate growth in the number of groups. On the other hand, there are othwerhso hisitate to suggest controls that would discourage groups with special interests from forming new professional groups. It is quite obvious that all of this is a very complex problem of management. In the case of our own Professional Group on Communications Systems, as the pendulum swung away from us, we have seen the formation of other groups that have slowly taken away bits and pieces of our broad interests in communications systems. As the pendulum now starts to swing towards us, thert are many indications that serious consideration should be given to changing the name of PGCS to the "Professional Group on Communications and Electronics Systems."

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