
ABSTRACT Swedish defence research played a significant part in the development of the Swedish Total Defence. This article seeks to modify the bias of previous historical studies of the Swedish National Defence Research Establishment (FOA) that has been focusing on the natural sciences, technology, industrial relationships, and the development of weapons system. The article explores the use of knowledge that is commonly associated with the humanities. More specifically, it examines the use and impact of historical knowledge in relation to the efforts of establishing a Swedish civil resistance policy between the early 1970s and the early 1990s. However, instrumental advice could not be developed based on knowledge about the past. Historical knowledge rather supported conceptual development and learning. It was part of public information campaigns and the education of civil servants. It also addressed central security and defence objectives of the Swedish government. The engagement with civil resistance provided FOA with an additional arena for influencing policy that would potentially concern a large part of the Swedish population.

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