
The Sustainable Grazing Systems (SGS) Program was established in 1996 to address the issues of declining pasture productivity and sustainability in the high rainfall zone (>600 mm/year) of southern Australia. The program goal was that 'by June 2001, at least 2000 producers in the high rainfall zone will have adopted changes to their grazing systems that can be shown to be at least 10% more profitable, and more sustainable, than those used prior to participating in SGS. A further 5000 producers will have trialed at least part of the recommended changes'. There were 4 interacting activities within SGS, collectively focused on delivering this goal. These were: (i)�a National Experiment to develop the principles and quantify the relationships; (ii) a regional producer network to determine and deliver on local producer priorities; (iii) training and skills development courses; and (iv) integration and management to ensure the goal was met in an efficient and effective manner. Producer input and ownership were considered essential and were built in at all levels of program activity and management. Independent surveys confirmed that SGS assisted large numbers of producers to make substantial change in farm practices. SGS met its goal by developing and delivering knowledge about more profitable and sustainable grazing systems to a network of almost 10 000 livestock producers across southern Australia. Critical elements of SGS included research, skills training and support for producer groups, on-farm trials and demonstrations, and farm-walks for producers to share information and experiences. A 'triple bottom line' approach was adopted to assess and report on the impacts of the program on the financial, social and environmental capital of the grazing industries in the high rainfall zone. In keeping with the triple bottom line approach, this special edition contains papers that report on biophysical, economic, environmental and social aspects of the program.

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