
The article is devoted to the complex study of functional features of verbs and verb lexical-semantic repetitionsin poetic texts M. Bazhan and I. Drach. Advantages of linguopoetic approach, which gives possibility to define, how linguistic unit is included by the author in the process of word-artistic creative work, provides creation of aesthetic effect, structural and semantic integrity of the text is substantiated in the thesis. Linguistic and stylistic approach doesn’t give us comprehensive answers to the question about notional, structural and communicative organization of the text, that is why today they become a prerogative of linguo-poetics and linguistics of text. Taking into account new directions, approaches in modern linguistic science in the last decades, such key concepts as “text”, “poetic text” were specified; advantages of communicative functional approach to its study were specified; constant features of text and text categories were specified; style, idiostyle, idiolect concept was defined. At determining the poetic text, we proceed from the fact that this is a special semiotic system, which has its own laws of formation of self-organization. Decoding the poetic text takes into consideration apertception moments of each word in the works of writer, who, staying within the limits of national-language picture of the world, creates a unique linguistic world according to his world view, his own psychology, philosophy. Let us motivate the use of idiostyle concept, closely connected with the author’s image, which we understand as a “word- conversational structure”, which permeates all work and leads to comprehensive study of literary text. Linguostylistic verb potential as lexicogrammatical word class, which has detailed system of personal-methodical and kindtime morphological forms was analyzed in the work; figurative and expressive features of verbal categories of manner, time, kind and person were tracked in the poetic texts of M. Bazhan and I. Drach; certain writers’ priorities in use of one or another verbal form were revealed. An important means of actualization of poetic content, dynamization of descriptive world, which assists the reader to focus attention on one or another reality, actions, feelings, and provides a link between the parts of the text, is repetition. Decoding of the poetic texts of M. Bazhan and I. Drach provided considering different apperception moments of verbal repetition.

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