
The study examines the electrochemical properties of a coating based on water sodium silicate and pure zinc dust (ZSC, working title - TTL-VN) using the Electrochemical Impedance Spectra (EIS) with AutoLAB PGSTAT204N. The system consists of three electrodes: Ag/AgCl (SCE) reference electrode in 3 M solution of KCl, auxiliary electrode Pt (8x8 mm) and working electrodes (carbon steel with surface treatment up to Sa 2.5) for determination of corrosion potential (Ecorr) and calculation of equivalent electric circuits used for explanation of impedance measurement results. It was shown that electrochemical method is effective for study of corrosion characteristics of ZSC on steel. We proposed an interpretation of the deterioration over time of the ability of zinc particles in paint to provide cathodic protection for carbon steel. The results show that the value of Ecorr is between -0,9 and -1,1 V / SCE for ten days of diving. This means that there is an electrical contact between the zinc particles, which provides good cathodic protection for the steel substrate and most of the zinc particles were involved in the osmosis process. The good characteristics of the TTL-VN coating during immersion in a 3,5% NaCl solution can also be explained by the preservation of corrosive zinc products in the coating, which allows the creation of random barrier properties.

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