
Already in pre-revolutionary historiography, the foundations were laid for studying the history of Armenians in the Tyumen region (S.K. Patkanov). In Soviet times, the creativity of Armenian researchers working in the Tobolsk province was studied. The formation of the Armenian Diaspora in the Tyumen region dates back to the early 90s of the twentieth century. The modern literature on the problem we are studying is numerous and diverse in nature. The history of the formation and activity of the Armenian Diaspora in the Tyumen region at the present stage is studied in an interdisciplinary way. The complex of scientific research on this topic consists of several blocks: sociological research, the works of political scientists, economists, cultural scientists and historians. A great contribution to the study of the topic is made by journalists covering the daily life and socio-political activities of the diaspora. It is possible to identify a number of problems that are raised in modern literature. The researchers note that the Tyumen region is an active participant in migration processes, being a large center receiving foreign citizens and a point of their transit movements. The works of modern researchers contain information on the history of the creation and functioning of the Armenian Diaspora in the Tyumen region.

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