
The priority direction of innovative activity of meat-processing enterprises is a production of accessible goods of stable and high quality. The attainment of set aim is provided by introduction of diverse food additives (emulsifiers, stabilizers, stiffeners and so on) that replace the significant part of the main raw material for improvement of its functional-technological properties at creation of food systems. The influence of elaborated functional food composition on functional-technological and structural-mechanical properties of minces in boiled sausages was studied. It was established, that its introduction into the content of meat minces improves the indices of water-binding ability by 3,5–5 % percents comparing with the control sample. Emulsifying ability in the studied samples increases on the average by 5 %, and emulsion steadiness by 22,5 %. It is conditioned by the ability of protein preparations and hydrocolloids, included in the composition together with meat proteins, to encapsulate the fat drops and to keep them during the whole technological process. Determination of the influence of elaborated functional mixture on structural-functional properties of minces demonstrated, that effective viscosity for the studied samples increased on the average by 48,5 %, and the index of extreme tension of the shift decreased on the average by 40,5 %. The received results prove the perspective of replacement of the part of meat raw material (up to 30 %) by created composition and improvement of functional-technological and structural-mechanical properties of minces. It provides the stable high quality of ready goods and allows improve the effectiveness of production.


  • Meat products are the significant part in the food structure of Ukrainian population [1].The priority direction of innovative activity of meat-processing enterprises is a production of economically accessible goods of stable and high quality that are able to satisfy the low purchasing capacity of Ukrainian population

  • The attainment of set aim is provided by introduction of diverse food additives that replace the significant part of the main raw material for improvement of its functional-technological properties (FTP) at creation of food systems [2]

  • It was established that functional food composition (FFC) introduction into the mince of boiled sausages increases water-binding ability (WBA) of the sample, made according to the recipe No 1 by 4,9 % comparing with the control sample, according to the recipe No 2 by 4,8 %, аnd according to the recipe No 3 by 3,6 %

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Meat products are the significant part in the food structure of Ukrainian population [1].The priority direction of innovative activity of meat-processing enterprises is a production of economically accessible goods of stable and high quality that are able to satisfy the low purchasing capacity of Ukrainian population. The additives gain the special importance under conditions of modern manufacturing of meat products that is connected with wide use of protein preparations, polysaccharides and so on It allows purposefully change the functional-technological characteristics of the food system and receive the necessary technological effect and significantly influences the color, taste and smell of goods [3, 4]. The analysis of researches [6] proves the advantages of the use of complex additives as ready mixture It raises the effectiveness of production and facilitates technological process, provides the stable quality of ready product, helps to attain the needed technological effect and provide the necessary functional-technological (FTP), structural-mechanical (SMP) and organoleptic properties of ready goods

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