
This research discusses related to one of the processing of waste, especially HDPE waste. HDPE waste is another alternative besides wood to make particle board. HDPE particle board takes advantage of these properties to provide a strong and durable alternative. The use of HDPE particle board provides significant benefits in the context of sustainability and the environment. In the manufacture of particle board in this study there were differences in temperature variations, so the variable in this study was temperature. Sample A has a temperature of 130° and sample B has a temperature of 160°. The particle board is pressed for 20 minutes using a hot press machine using 1 x 1 m molding. Testing of this HDPE particle board includes testing of physical properties, namely in the form of Density and chemical testing in the form of Acidity resistance and Alkalinity resistance. The standards in this study refer to SNI 03-2105-2006 regarding Particle Boards, SNI 01-7201-2006 regarding Plywood and block boards with beautiful paper faces, and ASTM D543. The density test showed a value of 0.90 gr/cm3 in the average sample A and 0.75 gr/cm3 in the average sample A. The results of the ANOVA analysis on the Density test showed that there was a significant difference between each sample and each treatment. the results of the t-Test showed that the treatment of sample A did not meet the standard, while the treatment of sample B met the SNI 03-2105-2006 standard. The acidity and alkalinity resistance were tested visually with the results that the temperature at 130° was more susceptible to reaction than the temperature at 160° Objectives: To find out the result of Density test, Acidity, and Alkalinity resistance of HDPE Particle Board is it already fulfill the standard ; To determine the temperature that has the most significant impact on the performance of HDPE Particle Board. Method and results: 1) Process of making the Particle Board, the process are include material preparation, material weighing, shredding, cleaning, drying, and pressing. 2) Sample Testing, the treatment that used is about variation of temperature. Variable that be used in this study consist of Density, Acidity, & Alkalinity. 3) Data Analysis, by using ANOVA Single Factor and t-Test. Conclusion: The results of Density test by t-Test analysis showed that the treatment of sample A did not meet the standard, while the treatment of sample B already fulfill the SNI 03-2105-2006. In Acidity and Alkalinity resistance there are indicators according to SNI 01-7201-2006 in the form of softening and open cracks in several samples. Density test results show the variable B (160°) is at 0.75 gr/cm3 and already fulfil the standard. Visual test results of Acidity and Alkalinity resistance show the variable B (160°) is more resistant to the effects of acids and bases. So that the optimal variable is at a temperature of 160°.

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