
Background and Purpose. As technology has evolved, so has the ability to actively engage students inside and outside of the classroom. The primary purpose of this article is to describe implementation of selected web applications to build a 21stcentury, student-centered classroom. Each application will be described, including how the technology has been integrated in the classroom, faculty feedback regarding advantages and disadvantages for each application, data from students, and recommendations for implementation. Case Description. This case report describes various types of technology integrated into a traditional, face-to-face Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree curriculum. Technologies described and implemented into the classroom include Moodle Learning Management System, Raptivity, Camtasia Studio, Jing, and Triptico. Outcomes. Faculty identified advantages and disadvantages of using technology in courses. Students’ perceptions of educational technology were assessed using a survey developed by the Research and Evaluation Team from the Office of Informational Technology at the University of Minnesota. The survey collected data points in the following categories: portable devices, active use of the web, effects of educational technology, preferences for the amount of technology, usefulness of educational technology, comfort levels with technology, barriers encountered with educational technology, and digital distractions. Outcome data presented include only the aspects of the survey that relate to web applications presented in the case description. Discussion and Conclusion. Three summary points emerged from the survey: (1) Students know basic computer concepts, but are using the web in a limited fashion. (2) Students like the use of educational technology in the classroom. (3) Students recognize the limitations of technology. The implementation of technology can enhance learning by making the classroom more active and student-centered. Considering learning objectives when choosing technology, realizing that it is important to know faculty and student comfort level with technology, planning for distractions, and overcoming barriers to implementation all must be taken into account for successful implementation.

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