
AbstractThe rectum of Periplaneta americana L. is lined with cuticle and has six radially arranged cushion‐shaped thickenings, the rectal pads, composed of columnar cells. Narrow strips of simple rectal cells lie between the pads. Tall junctional cells form a thin but continuous collar around the pads where they join the rectal cells. The epithelium is surrounded by a layer composed of circular and longitudinal muscles and connective tissue. This layer of muscle and connective tissue is innervated and tracheated, and is separated from the pad surface by a subepithelial sinus. Fluid flowing through the sinus enters the haemolymph through openings in the muscle layer whre large tracheae penetrate. These openings can be sealed by muscle contractions that appress the muscle around the openings against the pad surface. The tracheae pass on into the pads, following basement membrne‐lined indentations of the pad surface. Within the pad tracheolar cells send fine branches between the cells. Near the apical and basal surfaces the lateral membranes of pad cells are bridged by septate desmosomes that form a continuous band around the cells. Between apical and basal septate desmosomes is an interconnected labyrinthine system of intercellular spaces. There are three kinds of space, dilations and apical sinuses, both of variable size, and narrow communicating channels about 200 Å wide. The membranes of the latter have mitochondria closely associated with them. Continuity between the system of spaces and the subepithelial sinus is established by the basement membrane‐lined invaginations of the basal surface where tracheae penetrate between pad cells. Apical surfaces of the pad cells are highly infolded and are also associated with mitochondria. However, unlike the lateral membranes facing the narrow channels, the apical membranes have a cytoplasmic coating of particles. Both associations of mitochondria with membranes constitute discrete structural entities that are found in many transporting epithelia, and we have termed them “plasmalemma‐mitochondrial complexes.” As the rectal pads are organized into systems of spaces that ultimately open in the direction of fluid movement, existing models of solute‐coupled water transport can be applied. However, the rectal pads are structurally more complex than fluid‐transporting tissues of vertebrates. This complexity may be related to the ability of the rectum to withdraw water from ion‐free solutions in the lumen. We present a structural model involving solute recycling to explain the physiological characteristics of rectal reabsorption.

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