
The object of this research is the surrealistic code of Russian contemporary poetry. The subject of this research is the authorial version of revolutionary surrealism and the techniques of its realization in the poetry of Galina Rymbu. The article examines such aspects of the topic as female optics, feminist writing, gender issues, as well as the interaction of aesthetic and political, imagery and empirical, subjective and objective. Special attention is given to the consequences of the divergence of surrealistic development trends – aesthetic and revolutionary surrealism in the poetic practice of G. Rymbu, as well as to the increase of anti-surrealistic tendencies in her poetry. The research methodology is based on the comparative approach, within the framework of which the philological analysis of the text is conducted with the use of narratological, motivic, phenomenological, and elements of hermeneutic methods. The scientific novelty of this work consists in interpretation of the contemporary left-wing poetry and namely feminist poetics of G. Rymbu through the prism of surrealistic code. The position of women in surrealist history and theory is deconstructed by the new realizations of revolutionary surrealism, associated with the feminist project and gender problematic. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of the concepts of transformation and childhood alongside the frequency narrative instance (surrealistic type woman – child) in the poetic texts of Galina Rymbu.

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