
Publisher Summary This chapter presents many examples of parallel algorithms and studies them under a uniform framework. The chapter explains a parallel algorithm as a collection of independent task modules that can be executed in parallel and that communicate with each other during the execution of the algorithm. The chapter explains the three important attributes of a parallel algorithm and classifies parallel algorithms in terms of these attributes. Three orthogonal dimensions of the space of parallel algorithms: concurrency control, module granularity, and communication geometry. The classification of parallel algorithms corresponds naturally to that of parallel architectures. Algorithms for synchronous parallel computers are considered, where examples of algorithms using various communication geometries are presented. Algorithms for asynchronous parallel computers are also considered in the chapter. A number of techniques dealing with the difficulties arising from the asynchronous behavior of computation and the examples are mainly drawn from results in concurrent database systems. This chapter deals with the basic issues and techniques in designing parallel algorithms for various architectures. The chapter concludes that issues concerning algorithms for synchronous parallel computers are quite different from those for asynchronous parallel computers.

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