
Light-induced dimerization of 3-phenyl-2-cyclopentenone in a variety of solvents affords the head-tohead cis-anti-cis stereoisomer, C22H2002. The cyclobutane ring is bent with a dihedral angle of 152.4 °. The cyclopentanone rings have an envelope-like conformation. Crystals are monoclinic, space group C2/c, with four molecules per unit cell of dimensions a= 17.018 (3), b= 10.840 (2), c=9.097 (2) A~, and fl=99-12 (1) °. 1406 independent reflections were collected on an automated diffractometer with Nb-filtered Mo Ke radiation. The structure was solved by the symbolic addition procedure and refined by full-matrix least-squares calculation to R= 0-046. Photodimerization in the solid state of 3-phenyl2-cyclopentenone yields a different dimer whose structure is predicted to have the head-to-tail cisanti-cis arrangement.

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