
Amac: Bu calisma, primer huzursuz bacak sendromu (RLS) hastalarinda yeni bir oksidatif stres belirteci olan tiyol-disulfid homeostazisini arastirmak amaciyla yapildi. Gerec ve Yontem: Otuz sekiz hasta ve 43 saglikli birey calismaya alindi. Serum nativ tiyol, total tiyol, disulfit ve disulfid / nativ tiyol oranlari yeni bir otomatik yontem kullanilarak olculmustur. RLS tanisi Uluslararasi Huzursuz Bacak Sendromu Calisma Grubu (IRLSSG) tarafindan onerilen kriterlere gore konuldu ve RLS siddeti IRLSSG Siddet Olcegi kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Bulgular: Serum nativ tiyol ve total tiyol duzeyleri anlamli derecede dusuk (sirasiyla p<0.001; p=0.007), disulfid ve disulfid / nativ tiyol orani anlamli olarak daha yuksekti (sirasiyla p=0.017; p<0.001). RLS kontrol grubu ile karsilastirildi. IRLSSG Onem Olcegi ve tiyol-disulfid homeostasisi parametreleri arasinda anlamli korelasyonlar bulundu (r=-0.56, nativ tiyol icin p<0.001; total tiyol icin r=-0.51, p<0.001; disulfid icin r=0.37, p=0.020); r=0.60, disulfid / nativ tiyol yuzdesi orani icin p<0.001). Sonuclar: Azalmis nativ tiyol, artan disulfid seviyeleri ve artmis disulfid / nativ tiyol orani, tiyol-disulfur dengesinin oksidasyon tarafina kaydigini gostermektedir. IRLSSG Onem Olcegi ve tiyol-disulfid homeostasisi parametreleri arasindaki guclu korelasyonlar, homeostazin primer RLS'nin patogenezinde rol oynayabilecegini gostermektedir.


  • Restless legs syndrome (RLS) which is a frequent movement disorder, consists of unpleasant leg sensation at rest, especially at night

  • Serum native thiol and total thiol levels were significantly lower (p< 0.001; p= 0.007, respectively) while disulphide and disulphide/native thiol percent ratio levels significantly higher (p= 0.017; p< 0.001, respectively), in patients with RLS compared with control group

  • Significant correlations were found between the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group (IRLSSG) Severity Scale and thiol-disulphide homeostasis parameters (r= -0.56, p< 0.001 for native thiol; r= -0.51, p< 0.001 for total thiol; r= 0.37, p= 0.020 for disulphide and r= 0.60, p< 0.001 for disulphide/native thiol percent ratio)

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Restless legs syndrome (RLS) which is a frequent movement disorder, consists of unpleasant leg sensation at rest, especially at night. The symptoms are relieved by movement [1, 2]. RLS affects %4 to %29 of the general population. Primary form, idiopathic form may be hereditary, whereas the causes of secondary forms are different diseases, such as depression, iron deficiency anemia, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease, renal failure, and pregnancy. It is claimed quite intensively that dopaminergic pathways and impaired iron metabolism may play a role in the pathophysiology of RLS [3-5].

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